I .... made it, finally

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 05.23
Hi ..
I'm back ..

After a long waited, finally, today I got the announcement of my interview result.
Yes, I made it. I'm accepted in Universitas Bunda Mulia and got 40% of scholarship. I only have to pay Rp4.050.000,- from Rp6.750.000,-.That was a big amount for me because I'm not really stand out in my school life but yet I could get 40% "discount". I was so happy at the first time when I heard that, but it seems that ... I haven't got a full support from my parents. I couldn't see the happy face that I expected before. I don't know how should I react now. Full of anticipation or ... just whatever ? :(

God, is this one of the obstacle that I need to pass through? :(

-Sambungan- Perubahan Sosial

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 05.04
C. Bentuk-bentuk Perubahan Sosial
Soerjono Soekanto membedakan perubahan sosial menjadi beberapa bentuk :
a. Perubahan sosial lambat (evolusi), perubahan terjadi dengan sendirinya. Contoh : perubahan mata pencaharian (perubahan masyarakat agraris menjadi masyarakat industri)

b. Perubahan sosial cepat (revolusi), perubahan yang menyangkut sendi-sendi masyarakat dan direncanakan terlebih dahulu. Contoh : G30SPKI, Reformasi 1998.

c. Perubahan sosial kecil, tidak membawa pengaruh langsung terhadap masyarakat. Contoh : mode pakaian, kawin kontrak

d. Perubahan sosial besar, merupakan perubahan yang membawa pengaruh besar pada masyarakat. Contoh : daerah Jawa, jumlah penduduk dan angka kelahiran tinggi, sehingga angka pengangguran juga tinggi karena keterbatasan lapangan kerja

e. Perubahan rencana sosial direncanakan (dikehendaki), merupakan perubahan yang telah direncanakan oleh pihak-pihak yang hendak mengadakan perubahan di masyarakat. Contoh : perubahan di bidang HAM, demokrasi, ekonomi, pendidikan, dan lain-lain

f. Perubahan yang tidak direncanakan (tidak dikehendaki), merupakan perubahan yang berlangsung begitu saja dan di luar jangkauan pengwasan masyarakat. Contoh : perubahn selera makan masyarakat akibat iklan yang ditayangkan di televisi, bencana alam, penggunaan narkoba, rusaknya lingkungan alam

     1. Faktor Internal
         a. Perubahan jumlah penduduk. Contoh : perpindahan penduduk desa ke kota
         b. Penemuan-penemuan baru. Contoh : penemuan mobil, munculnya komputer sebagai pengganti mesin ketik
         c. Pertentangan dalam masyarakat. Contoh : pertentangan antara kaum muda dan kaum tua yang terjadi pada saat detik-detik menjelang proklamasi
         d. Pemberontakan dan revolusi. Contoh : revolusi kemerdekaan, revolusi Perancis
         e. Reformasi

     2. Faktor Eksternal
         a. Lingkungan fisik (bencana alam). Contoh : gempa bumi, gunung meletus, angin topan, dan lain-lain
         b. Peperangan. Contoh : Perang Dunia II
         c. Pengaruh kebudayaan masyarakat lain
  • Penetrasi damai (Penetration Pasifique), masuknya suatau kebudayaan lain dengan jalan damai. Contoh : masuknya agama Islam ke Indonesia melalui para pedagang
  • Penetrasi paksa (penetration violence), masuknya suatu kebudayaan dengan cara paksa dan merusak. Contoh : masuknya kebudayaan barat melalui peperangan atau penjajahan

Disain Grafis

Diposting oleh Pc di 04.37
Disain (design) = merancang, rancangan
Grafis = visual

Disain grafis adalah sebuah rancangan terhadap objek gambar (visual) yang dapat digunakan untuk menyampaikan suatu pemikiran atau informasi seefektif mungkin.

Tipe-tipe grafik :
1. Grafik bertipe bitmap, adalah sebuah objek yang dipengaruhi oleh warna, resolusi (pixel) dengan satuan dpi (dot per inch).

Kelebihan dari tipe bitmap ini adalah sebagai berikut :
   - mampu menangkap nuansa warna yang degradasinya secara detail
   - lebih cepat untuk dapat ditampilkan ke layar monitor ataupun komputer

Kekurangan dari tipe bitmap :
   - perubahan ukuran gambar mempengaruhi kualitas gambar
   - ukuran file relatif lebih besar
   - jika dilakukan kompresi maka kualitas gambar akan menurun

2. Grafis bertipe vektor, adalah grafis berobjek gambar yang dipengaruhi sekumpulan garis dan kurva pada bidang tertentu yang secara sistematis.

Kelebihan tipe vektor :
   - bersifat scalable, artinya jika gambar diperbesar ataupun diperkecil, gambar tersebut tidak berubah kualitasnya
   - ukuran file relatif lebih kecil
   - dapat dikolaborasikan ke dalam berbagai software 3D
   - mempunyai warna-warna yang solid dan cocok untuk gambar-gambar sederhana

Kekurangan tipe vektor :
   - kurang dapat menampilkan gambar dan degradasi secara realistis dan natural

Perusahaan Dagang

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 04.33

Akun yang ada di perusahaan dagang tetapi tidak ada dalam perusahaan jasa :
1. Akun persediaan barang dagang
2. Akun pembelian
3. Akun retur pembelian dan pengurangan dagang
4. Akun potongan pembelian
5. Akun beban angkut pembelian
6. Akun penjualan
7. Akun retur penjualan dan pengurangan dagang
8. Akun potongan penjualan

7 kelompok akun dalam perusahaan dagang :
1. Aktiva
2. Kewajiban
3. Ekuitas
4. Penjualan : 411 Penjualan
                        412 Retur penjualan
                        413 Potongan penjualan
5. Pembelian : 511 Pembelian
                          512 B. Angkut pembelian
                          513 Retur pembelian
                          514 Potongan pembelian
6. Beban
7. Pendapatan

Perubahan Sosial

Senin, 18 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 05.06
A. Pengertian Perubahan Sosial
Perubahan sosial adalah perubahan yang terjadi akibat ketidaksesuaian antara unsur-unsur sosial yang saling berbeda sehingga terjadi keadaan yang tidak serasi fungsinya bagi kehidupan. Contoh : peran ayah dulunya adalah mencari nafkah untuk menopang hidup keluarga, tetapi sekarang peran ibu juga sebagai pencari nafkah sekaligus ibu rumah tangga.

B. Teori-teori Perubahan Sosial
    a. Teori Evolusi (Evolution Theory)
Teori ini berpijak kepada teori Darwin dan dipengaruhi oleh pemikiran Herbert Spencer. Tokoh yang berpengaruh pada teori ini adalah Emile Durkheim dan Ferdinand Tonnies.
  • Emile Durkheim berpendapat bahwa perubahan karena evolusi mempengaruhi cara pengorganisasian masyarakat, terutama yang berhubungan dengan kerja. Contoh : muncul organisasi buruh yang memperjuangkan hak-hak buruh.
  • Ferdinand Tonnies memandang bahwa masyarakat berubah dari masyarakat sederhana yang mempunyai hubungan erat dan kooperatif menjadi tipe masyarakat besar yang memiliki hubungan yang terspesialisasi dan impersonal. Contoh :
  1. Perubahan masyarakat tradisional menjadi masyarakat modern
  2. Perubahan masyarakat desa menjadi masyarakat kota  
    b. Teori Konflik (Conflict Theory)
  • Karl Marx yang menyebutkan bahwa konflik kelas sosial merupakan sumber yang paling penting dan berpengaruh dalam perubahan sosial. Contoh : konflik antara buruh dengan pemilik perusahaan.
  • Ralf Dahrendorf berpendapat bahwa semua perubahan sosial merupakan hasil dari konflik kelas di masyarakat. Contoh : kenaikan upah terjadi karena buruh melakukan demonstrasi menuntut kenaikan upah.
    c. Teori Fungsionalis (Functional Theory)
Teori menjelaskan perubahan sosial yang tingkatannya moderat.
  • William Ogburn menjelaskan dengan konsep kultural lag (kesenjangan budaya), menurutnya meskipun unsur-unsur masyarakat saling berhubungan, beberapa unsurnya bisa saja berubah dengan cepat sementara unsur lainnya tidak secepat itu sehingga tertinggal di belakang. Contoh : kaum muda lebih cepat dan tanggap dalam menggunakan teknologi modern dibanding kaum tua. Ketertinggalan ini menimbulkan kesenjangan yang menyebabkan keterkejutan sosial (cultural shock)
    d. Teori Siklus (Cylical Theory)
Menurut teori ini kebangkitan dan kemunduran suatu peradaban tidak dapat dielakkan dan tidak selamanya perubahan sosial membawa kebaikan.
  • Arnold Toynbee menyatakan bahwa kebangkitan dan lemunduran suatu peradaban bisa dijelaskan melalui konsep-konsep kemasyarakatan yang saling berhubungan, yaitu tantangan dan tanggapan. Jika suatu masyarakat mampu merespon dan menyesuaikan diri maka masyarakat itu akan mengalami kemunduran dan akhirnya punah. Contoh : runtuhnya peradaban Yunani.

    Yaya, I'm back !

    Diposting oleh Pc di 04.33
    Hi-yom ~

    It has been 3 days, huh? Haha ~ Well, kinda busy with my college's things. It really made me dizzy, got so many info that I haven't heard before about the college. And that made me feel like wanna quit. Those info were not a good one, so kinda made me frustrated. So I searched for the info in internet for that 3 days. But thanks God, now it is cleared and I can write my blog again. Ah, the conclusion is : I still choose that college, kkk ~ ^^

    Ah yes !
    Omooooooo ~
    There was something made me crazy enough! Giggling and squirming like a crazy girl, hahaha xD
    And what was that something?? Check this you guys !!! x3

    Gyaaaaaaaah mah boy mah boooooooy ~~ x3
    I was touched I was touched! I have been waiting for them, hiks hiks ..
    They will come back with first album on July 21st which entitled BE MINE ~ Oh hubby, I will always be yours forever and eveeeeer ~ Omo can't wait! Nego hajja <3

    My namstar is very sexy, huh? (the one at 0:22). His chest is sparkling! LOL, I like a pervert :p

    Aiiih ~ My hubby is always so damn sexy <3
    I swear that I will make him become mine <3

    Ah yes, when I was at my school today, the people of that college called me, but I didn't know because my phone was silent. I thought that they would call me again when it was already a little late. But they still didn't call until now. I wonder what's the matter, hope that they will call me again and inform about the result of my interview as soon as possible. Whenever I wanted to sleep, I always think about the interview result, oh so torturing =.=

    But gwaenchana ~ Since there is my hubby, everything is fine ~ LOL
    Saranghae jagiya ~ :*

    Ehm, if you asked me about that people with surname "S", I won't talk too much about it. He is really out of his mind, he is an insane of high level of player, the one who think he is the most handsome guy, the one who think all of the people like him, and I will try any way to get rid of him as soon as possible before I become crazy. That's all. Geeeeez =-=

    Alright ~
    So that's all about my post
    I'll continue to post my lesson for today :)

    So ...
    Bye-yom ~
    With Love,
    Pc <3

    Nae jagiya ~ yongwonhi saranghae ~ Wait me until I found you one day. Don't look for another girl, okay? Wait me :*

    Finally, DONE!

    Kamis, 14 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 06.21
    Hey ~
    Hahaha, we meet again :3

    So today, because of my friend's help, I could manage all of my things, included the fax thing. I was so happy and felt much relief, phew :p

    They said that interview would begin at 3 p.m. When I was at my house, I was so nervous. But thanks God, because of your love, I could do it smoothly. Hope that they will give me the high scholarship, amen :)

    Um, I think I'm not feeling good. Lil bit headache and feel like wanna vomit, oh what's wrong with me ? =.=

    I'll end it right here +__+

    With Love,
    Pc <3

    I'm too full !! xD - All in one =.=

    Rabu, 13 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 08.21
    Okay guys, so, mianhae
    I'm too full to write ~ xD

    I ate dinner twice, and a half of big durian. I'm very full xD

    I promise, tomorrow I am going to tell you what had happened today, from a joy-ness until a dissapoint-ness

    Okay ?
    good night ~

    ppyong <3
    With Love,
    Pc <3

    Hi-yom ~
    The post above was my last night post. And today, as my promise, I will tell you my story, which called "All in One" :)

    So when I have arrived at my class, my friend told me that she wanted to continue her study at the same college as mine. OMG I'm so happy! I didn't need to be alone now! And the most important is I can share my room with her, isn't that great? So the cost wouldn't be so burden for us :). But at the night of the same day, she sent message said :: "Blablabla and her mother doesn't like the college, because it is not popular and way too expensive (Rp23.000.000,-). When other people ask you which college did you go, and you answer *piip*, no one knows the college". Oh seriously, I'm so disappointed! I had disappointed by one friend, now added her. Oh, I don't want to know anymore. Next time if there is someone who said she wants to go to the same college as mine, I would not be directly happy anymore. Don't break my heart again, please =.=. By the way, I didn't know where the hell did her mother got the Rp23.000.000,- info. We don't need so much money at all, alright? And the "not popular" word. Why the hell did her mother say this word? All we need is study. Not popularity, oh please! I'm so disappointed. Fine! I'll go by myself! >:'(

    Okay so, I hate my school. They didn't want to help me fax-ing my documents. Do you know what did the teacher said to me?

    No, we can't. Fax-ing document is very expensive! One paper cost Rp7.000,- and how many papers of yours? You student pay for school, not school help student to pay their things.

    Fine! Expensive is it? So where the hell did those money that we pay monthly gone?! Cih, I won't ask this school a help anymore!

    So, my friend said that he could help me, but I had to wait until tomorrow. Actually, I could fax it yesterday but, because of a ridiculous thing, I had to wait until tomorrow and please don't ask me what the ridiculous thing was =.=.

    At the night, I went to accompany my father to eat his dinner outside. It's been a time since I didn't accompanied my father. Hey, it felt so full of joy ~ After finished his dinner, my father took me and my little brother to eat durian. Oh that was the best durian I had ever ate. And I was soooo full! xD

    Okay, I need to end it right here. I still need to post my story today. So, let's go to the next post ~ :D

    Thank you :)

    Selasa, 12 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 03.19
    Hi-yom !

    Today is the second day of my school and nothing special about it. I still managing my college things, the transaction evidence and grade report. My father had helped me to transfer, thanks dad! Love you :)

    Tomorrow I am going to get my grade report and hopefully it is already done. So that I can fax it to the college. Fax. This word made a question in my mind. Why do they have to use fax? Use email is faster I think. Haha. And not too troublesome.

    Firstly, I was still confusing about how to fax it. But then, my chingu is willing to help me. Oh thanks God! I knew that there is nothing impossible for You. You always know my problem and you always solve it. Oh and gomawoyo chingu-ya. Really really thank you :)

    Tomorrow I am going to fax all of the things that they need. And maybe not long after that they will call me to do the interview session. My heart is beating fast whenever I think of the interview session. Uuuh, stomachache +_+

    "R" oppa told me to not forget for fax-ing those things. Alright, I knew it oppa, haha. Don't worry.
    And by the way, I'm attracted to his voice. His voice is kinda soft in ear and like a warmth heart person. I wonder what does he looks like xD. Oh well, his voice is different with "S" oppa's voice. "S" oppa is nice too, but it seems like not as warmth as "R" oppa's. Oh God, what had I said by the way. I'm not supposed to talk about their voice =.="

    Um, one thing that I don't like about "S" oppa, he is always texting me. I gave him my phone number because I need to know the up-to-date info of the college. But seems like he took this opportunity to text me everyday. I don't really like it, but... I have to bear with it since I'm still not officially accepted by the college =.=
    By the way, he asked me to become his step-sister. Oh well, being a step-sibling relation with a person that I never met before? Nah it's okay as long as it is not a boy-girlfriend relation. I don't really like it, though. But what can I do? I need to get in to that college and I don't want to give a bad impression to my sunbae.

    You know what? Now, he is texting me. Okay, kinda ruining my mood =.=

    That's all for today

    Bye-yom ~
    With Love,

    Pc <3

    YES !!!

    Senin, 11 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 04.50
    Hi-yom ~ ! xD

    Yeeeey, my parents allowed me to continue my study at Jakarta, yippeeee ~ xD. Well, I decided not to tell them until I have succeeded to get my scholarship.

    But because of a thing, I was forced to tell them. I didn't know that they would be so easy to give me an allowance. Well, here is the story.

    "S" oppa (a senior in that college) told me that I could register through their website. Okay, so I did it. Not long afterward, the person who charge in that college called me. He is "R" oppa. Alright, damnit. My mom was there. What should I say if she asked anything? And then, I answered his call.

    We talked for about 3-5 minutes, maybe. He told me that I need to pay Rp200.000,- for the register form to their account. Alright, I said I will try to pay tomorrow. And after that I need to fax my transaction evidence to them *how do I need to fax, anyway? +_+*. After that, they will send me those form that I need to register. Next, I need to fax again to them along with my grade report. Quite troublesome, huh? Haha, that's the risk for being so far away from Jakarta. After they see my grade report, I will have my interview session via phone calling. To tell you the truth, is it really this simple? I mean, if your grade report of first and second year are above 7, you can participate in the scholarship program. Above 7 only? If that so, there will be many people can get the scholarship too, right? Aigoo, confusing. And the phone calling interview? Do they really believe that you are the person who register at the first place? I mean, you can simply ask other people who is more experienced than you to help you accept the interview, right? Isn't this too simple? Aiish, mollayo. Now what I really need is the scholarship, so I won't stay at this lame hometown for my whole life. Well, I truly wish that I can get the scholarship (it is about 10% ~ 100%. If you got 100%, then you need to pay nothing until you graduate. Oh great!).

    Okay so, as I have thought before, my mom would ask me "What's the matter?". So, I told them the whole story and they gave me a normal people reaction, "Are there something that is so simple?". Uuh mom and dad or mommy and daddy or father and mother, what was that mean? First, did you guys just simply don't believe those simple things or second, did you guys don't believe that your daughter can get a scholarship? Oh I prefer the first one instead of the second one.

    Yeah I know right, they are way too simple and easy. Aaargh com'on man, don't make me doubt! Oh well, I still chose that college because :
    1. The easy and not "too blablabla" scholarship. Above 7? Then you can participate
    2. I can't find other college that's as cheap as them. Well, so far as I know, this college is more cheaper than what I have thought before
    3. The living place is way too near from the college. Only 3 minutes if you walk. You can live with your friend in one room, and the cost is divided into two. Cheaper right? And the most important is they got Air Conditioner. Seriously, I can't live without my hubby, Air Conditioner. And then, they got television also, haha. But I don't think I have time to touch it
    4. Gosh their location is way too strategic. It is near with many supermarket or mall. I can easily buy things that I need for some hair mask and face facial. Only 10 minutes if you go by walk :3
    5. This college is same with Singapore Management University. After you graduate, you can surely get a job. 80% people can get a job right away after graduated. How about the rest 20%? Are they can't get a job? No no no. 10% of them continue to postgraduate, and the rest 10% open their own business
    6. They WILL give you a job. So you don't need to search for other part-time job

    Yah, aren't those great?! It is cheaper and it is pledge. Now what I need to do is do well in the interview session and try to get a high percentage :3. The most important is, I don't want to stay at my what-so-ever hometown. That doesn't mean that I hate my hometown. I just can't really sure about my future if I stayed at here for my whole life. Jinjayo =.=". And then, the college at here is way too expensive than this college, because they don't have any scholarship program. Ah one more thing. If I stayed here, then I would *automatically* live at my own house, together with my family *again*. So when can I learn to live alone, seriously?! I'm quite embarrassed because me as a girl can't do the chores properly. I can't even near a thing that called "stove". Poor, huh? =.="

    Alright, so... Wish me luck! I'll start to say the college name if I have succeeded to get in later, kkk ~ ;)

    With Love,
    Pc <3

    Tomorrow, the school start

    Minggu, 10 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 04.44
    Hi hi ~ :D

    Oh well, tomorrow is the day. My school start tomorrow. My last year of Senior High School start tomorrow :3

    What else I wanna say? Um ...
    I don't have any idea. Omooo >.<

    I got a problem, though. But that is my family problem and I can't share it at here. Mian .. *bow*

    What then?
    Should I end it?
    Aiish, I really got nothing to say!
    So ...

    Let's end it !
    Haha, I'm so sorry :3

    Bye-yom !
    With Love,
    Pc <3

    My first goal :)

    Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 07.13
    Aye Aye ~

    Aaaaargh, again! Boyfriend made me melting! They are in black ya know? In black! Hyunseong oppa's new haircut is daebak! And as always, my Jeongmin is soooo hot! *nosebleed*.Watch this watch this !!

    Okay, ignore my fan-girling, please. Gamsahamnida and jusonghamnida -__-" *bow*


    Now I'm in the last year of Senior High. That's mean ~~~ Imma gotta go to college a year after my Senior High life is ended. Aigooo how quick!

    I've already decided which university do I want to go. Let's not say the name until I have achieved it, okay? :)

    About my big big dream, um, I need time. I really can't decide that that is my whole life dream. Yea I know I sound like wanna give up, right? But no, please understand. Since I'm still a Senior High student, I can't really freely said I wanna become trainee, it's hard. Considering that I would be far away from my parents, no I can't. I don't think I can do it. My place is too far away from Seoul, and I don't think my parents want to move to Seoul IF I succeeded. :(

    Now, what I need to do is go to that college with a lower cost. As low as I can. After I get there, I (might be) can decide what do I want to do exactly.

    Okay okay? That's all for tonight. I don't really know what do I need to write actually. Hahaha

    Bye aye ~
    With Love,
    Pc <3

    Today is my world ! xD

    Jumat, 08 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 05.21
    Hi-yom !

    Today I watched Girl's Day's new MV, called Hug Me Once. Man, that is really the best MV I have ever seen before! How unique, how creative! And ... and .. those girls are too cute >///< *I'm still normal, okay*

    The MV is kinda like a game and ... Aigoo, can't describe anymore! Just watch their MV INTRO first, and you will know what I meant :p . DAEBAKKK !!! >.<

    Okay, today about at 4 p.m, there was no one in my house. I'm all alone! And that was my world, my heaven! >///<

    I used that gold opportunity to sing many songs. I was so happy and my stress is all gone! kkk ~~ ^^
    I chose many K.Will songs. Well, his songs are very comfortable and ear-catching. Of course I also learned my audition song, Back To December. Mm, my voice got better but still need some improvement to control my vibration.

    Oh yes, I said to my friend that actually I love Starship more than JYP. And I want to wait until Starship open an online audition and I want to give a try. But of course I will try to audition to JYP first. If my video was accepted by JYP, then I might be more confidence to audition for Starship.

    Aah! Today, Boyfriend is really daebak with their remix performance. I'm speechless *O*. Jeongmin you are so so so so cute >///<. Mm, that was their goodbye stage and now they are preparing a new album, ;) hwaiting!

    Imma wanna learn their remix dance *O*


    With Love,
    Pc <3

    Why do I want to become a singer?

    Kamis, 07 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 07.14
    Today my mood is quite good. Kkk ~ Just don't really have a high spirit. Maybe my mind is too tired.

    Okay guys, so .. At first, I didn't want to become a singer because I know this choice would be very hard for me. Got no money, far away from Korea, and parents will be blabla-ing. So I just ended up by live as a normal person, study diligently, be a success person, make my parents proud and have a good, full-attention and sweet boyfriend. Kkk ~ ^^

    But one day, I watched Infinite's reality shows called Days of Infinite. Omo, they did so many performances, even overseas to Singapore. The way they felt nervous, the way they concerned at each other, and the way been happy after seeing so many fans, all of those things made me feel like want to have a group and a stage! And then, you got many fans cheering for you, you can't far away from singing and dancing, and you got your lovely members together everyday, aren't those really meaningful? I really want to be like that one day :). By the way, you guys should see the show if you haven't watched yet.

    This reality show really, REALLY had changed my mind for being a normal person. No, I don't want to be a normal person anymore. Life is just once for all of us. Why ended up being a normal person only? I don't afraid of those hardness, I don't afraid of those trainee life, I just know that I want my group, my song, my dance, my group, and my fans.

    Okay guys, that's all about my post today. I really want to write more longer, but uuurrgh ! My younger brother wants to use this laptop and he is frowning now. Really annoying! I want to leave this house quickly! >:( *LOL*

    Bye-yom ~
    With Love,
    Pc <3

    Couldn't sleep *again*

    Rabu, 06 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 06.13
    Omo, today is not in the mood. Aiish
    But don't worry, will be fine tomorrow *hope so*

    So ...
    Last night I couldn't sleep, but not because of having too much imagination, no. I have had enough of it.
    So why I couldn't sleep? :( Mollayo. I think this is my habit now. Andwaeya! Must get rid off this habit >:(

    I rolled to left, rolled to right, moved my legs, sang some songs. Still, couldn't sleep. Aissh! Annoying! x(
    So I decided to dance until I felt tired. I danced to some songs. Here are the list :

    1. SNSD - My Best Friend
    2. Girl's Day - Twinkle Twinkle
    3. F(x) - Thrill Love (I was free-styling)
    4. Super Junior H - Cooking? Cooking!
    5. Infinite - Before The Dawn
    6. Infinite - Nothing's Over
    7. Infinite - She's Back
    8. Infinite - Come Back Again
    9. F.Cuz - Wanna Be Your Love
    10. Beast - BadGirl
    11. Beast - Shock

    Right. I danced to eleven songs. And I'm not insane! If I said I love to dance, I really meant it!

    And I forgot to dance to these songs xO :
    1. SNSD - Genie
    2. Hyuna - Change
    3. Teen Top - Clap
    4. Teen Top - Supa Luv
    5. Boyfriend - Boyfriend
    6. Sistar19 - Ma Boy
    7. Beast - Breath

    After I've finished dancing, it was already 3.15 am.

    Ah, sorry. Not in the mood today, because something messed up my mind :/
    And I'm not in the mood to talk about audition, I felt stressed out *not because of the audition!* so yeah .. Let's end today's post. Mianhae


    With Love,
    Pc <3

    My missions :)

    Senin, 04 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 23.41
    Hi-yom! We meet again! :D

    There are so many things that I want to tell you today. So I just write another entry ~

    Mm, it is about my missions. I think I have to manage my to-do list clearly. I'm really confused right now *ooh, headache headache =.=*

    Alright, so, these are my to-do list (mission) for the first round :
    1. Fine a (or more) company that has an open all year around online audition. DONE
    2. Decide, I want to sing or dance first. DONE
    3. What song do I want to use for singing or dancing. DONE
    4. Record my talent.
    5. Upload or send my files to the website.
    6. Wait for about two or three weeks for the announcement.

    To-do list addition :
    - If I fail for my first video, I'll try even better for my second video.

    Mm, half of my first round missions are done. Half more to do! Hwaiting, Pc! >.<

    God will surely bless me, I believe that :)

    Today's quote : Stand up from slumbering and make a way to make a move to your destiny.

    Bye-yom ~ :D

    With Love,
    Pc <3

    I can't sleep at night. Ottokhae ottokhae?? T^T

    Diposting oleh Pc di 23.24
    Hi-yom T^T

    I can't sleep I can't sleep I can't sleep ...
    Every night when I want to sleep, I always have this nervous feeling. My heart is racing and my mind is running. I keep imagining the whole things! Well, below is the description.

    My imagination :
    I join the online audition and I pass the first round. I am so happy that I can't say a word. I try to tell my parents about this amazing news. I also say that I have to fly to Seoul to do the second round. My parents *obviously* don't allow me. Mm, they might be like this : "Hellow? Fly to Korea? Become a singer? Blablabla? Don't joking around!". Of course I don't directly say : "Oh, alright then, never mind". A big NO, okay. And then, I kneel on the ground and beg them to allow me. I keep explaining how much do I love this dream and how much effort I had put in it. Yeah I know there is no guarantee that I will surely pass the second round, but at least I'm a step nearer to achieve my dream! I beg I beg and I beg. Finally, they allow me! Yippeee ~

    After preparing everything, like passport, money, and other thingy, me and my father fly to Jakarta first. We don't directly fly from Jakarta to Incheon, but we transit at Singapore first. Mm, about half an hour of waiting, we can finally fly from Singapore to Incheon. All the way, I can't sleep. Just imagine that, this is like a dream! *Oh well, this is only an imagination actually T.T*

    After a long way, finally we arrive at Incheon International Airport. I can't describe the view because I never go there before. I just skip to JYP Entertainment building. There are a lot of people who want to audition also, about 25 or 30 peoples. That makes my heart racing crazily! Then, a lady come and give us instruction to wait at the waiting room and fill in an application. Because only the audition participant who can go in, my father wait outside. He gives me a kind of "hwaiting" action *Oh, this is totally an imagination T^T*. I'm so happy with his support! I swear that I have to make it!

    After fill in, all of us wait for about 10 minutes until the audition begin. We are divided into 3 groups which contain 10 members for each. I'm in the second group and number 13 *oh lucky 13, that's mean I'm the number 3 in my group*. The first group enter the room and after a few minutes, I can hear they are singing. Their voice are too good! Are they a singer already?! Sigh. This makes my stomach hurt and I feel like wanna smack my heart. It's racing so fast and I feel like out of breath. How can I sing in this kind of situation??

    Finally. Hahaha. It's my group turn. I don't need to tell you how is my feeling right now, it is totally ..... uuugh =__=. There are three judges, 2 guys and a lady. There are also a cameraman lady. The judges ask the first participant to sing, and then the second participant. They cut two of them quite early. About 30seconds after they sing, judges ask them to stop. And FINALLY, MY TURN. Gyaaaaah! I feel like wanna faint off *although this is only imagination, I really feel like it is real*. I sing Back To December by Taylor Swift. I sing the reff part directly, considering it is only 30seconds to sing. I can feel that my voice is trembling. But only for about three seconds. After that I can make it smoothly. I don't know why but I feel like mine is a little longer. It is not 30seconds only, but, maybe 45seconds? I don't know.

    Singing part is over and now is the rhythm test. The judges give us a kind of hip hop music and we have about 50seconds to show our dance ability. Since there are also some boys in my group *and I'm so small compare to the others*, I need to stand out so that judges can see my seriousness in this audition. Hey, the music is so catchy! It is perfect for some waving and popping. So I just start dancing, feel the bit, and slowly walk a bit forward so that I didn't in a line with others. I don't know if I look like a weird girl or not. I just know that, THIS IS MY WORLD and the judges can see me clearly.

    When I'm just about having my fun to dance, 50seconds is end and the music stop. One of the judges tell us to wait outside and the last group is coming in. Man, I didn't know that this would be so much fun! Try to show off your ability although you are not a pro one. My heart is surely back to race when the last group come out. It is time to hear the announcement. We wait for about 15minutes and finally the judge come out. I don't really know how do the judges announce to us though, so, let's skip to the final imagination.

    For conclusion, I did it. I DID IT!! I'M OFFICIALLY A TRAINEE RIGHT NOW! I'm officially a trainee right now! I'm officially ..... a ..... trainee right ..... now. Officially .... Huweeeeeeeeeee, all of them are just my imagination x'O, not a real one. Not a real one :'(

    Well, that is my habit at every night and it causes me can't sleep at all. This is so torturing! I have to stop this. How? There is only one way : Pass the online audition first. Or .... get allowance from my parents? Hahh .. Nado mollayo.

    God, only You who knows my desire clearly. Please show me Your way. I'm begging You :'(

    Okay, that's all about my imagination. Sorry if it is annoying for you. Bye-yom!

    With Love,
    Pc <3

    I decided to sing, ayey ! :D

    Diposting oleh Pc di 04.15
    Okay guys, just like my title, I decided to sing for the online audition. Finally I've found a song that suitable and can show out my voice ability. That song is ......... Ta-daaa ~ Back To December by Taylor Swift. Why I chose this song? kkk ~ :)

    First, this song is not too high and not too low. It's average and I can make voice steady.
    Second, I can easily make my vocal strong.
    Third, this song is so sad and I like this kind of song.

    Hehe ~ And I begin to learn this song. Interesting and simple :)

    I've downloaded its karaoke version. Whoa I'm so happy! x)
    And now, I just need a sound recorder, but I don't know where to find it. Need to ask my friend then. Sigh ..

    Oh yes, if I couldn't make it (my singing), I would like to dance. I chose Boom Boom Pow by The Black Eyed Peas. It has a perfect tone for some poppin', waving, and lockin' moves. I already have the idea, kkk ~ ^^

    Yo yo, that's all for today. Quite out of breath after learned the song again and again. Although it is average, but it's breath taking. Hahaha xD

    Bye bye ~
    With Love,
    Pc <3

    Good News, Omagah !! x)

    Minggu, 03 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 03.21
    Yo, yo, wassup? kekeke ~

    Until today, I still keep searching information for the online audition. Oh man, at the first I got many information which could make me down. For example, there was a thread in S**mpi about audition with this question (I changed it into my own sentence and it is not exactly the same with the original one) : What happen next if we pass the online audition via email? Anyone had this experience before? Please share!

    After you pass the audition via email, they will send you an email to notify you. And then you have to do the second round in Korea. Well, it is hard if we didn't live in Korea.

    Gosh this answer is freaking me out! Hard if we aren't Korean people. Tsk tsk ...

    Okay, I leaved that forum and searched again. I didn't know what things had come to me but ... in the end I searched in youtube instead of google. I typed : Starship Entertainment Audition. Well, that is Boyfriend's company. I mean, wouldn't it nice if I could get into Starship Entertainment too? kkk ~ Ah okay, back to the topic. The results that came out were not Starthip, but JYP Audition. There were so many videos that uploaded by JYP itself, about 61 videos. I didn't watch those videos first, but I went read their info and? Something caught my eyes.

    2-2 Online Audition
    -Check out JYP Online Audition site! @audition.jype.com. You can easily apply and showcase yourself.
    - Audition period : Open all year around

    Did you see that? Audition open all year around and all you need to do is become their member and upload your file! After 2 or 3 weeks they will tell you about their decision. This is more simple than fly to Korea, right? I was so happy! 

    After that, I decided to watch their videos. I think those were the videos that JYP likes, so the company upload them to Youtube. Logically, online audition would not only 61 videos, right? It would a bunch of audition videos. And .... the first video that I watched was from a boy. He auditioned for rapp part. Oh dang he was so amazing! He has an attractive voice, kinda sexy, like Taecyeon from 2PM. Check out his video! Oh yes, this girl's voice is so sweet ~ ;)

    I noticed that I should watched girls' videos too. If I'm not wrong, there were about 30 females and only 8 or 9 of them audition for dancing part. Hmm ... I admit that they were good but why all of them only did a sexy dance? I mean, girl also can do something like hip hop, popping or even locking. But none of them did that. Well, the rest females audition for singing part. At the first, I thought, umm .. maybe I'll choose the singing part too. But after watched their videos, geez ... all of them have a voice from heaven, they make me jealous! Somehow I felt that I shouldn't sing =.=. I can sing, but only have an average quality. Dance? I'm not sure. I can dance, though and I will not do a sexy dance. Maybe a hip-hop dance mixing with pop and lock. LOL. I'm talking like if I were a pro one ~

    After watched, I also read the comments on their videos. Most of them are positive comments, but there were also some, umm ... How should I say this? Negative comments maybe. Yeah, like : "This is only average, why JYP like this and blablabla" or "Geez, I even can do better than her/him and blablabla". Seriously, I don't like that kind of comments. Hello? They did their best yah know? And they even had this dare to audition! Alright, phew. Angry is not good for our health, so .. Let's continue.

    Suddenly, I saw some comments that made me so stress out.
    - It seems that there aren't any videos from other country. Only from Korea (oh yes, this person was right)

    - I saw that many Korean people could upload their files easily. But I need to tried 10~20 times to upload and blablabla. (Did he/she mean that people from other country will be hard to upload their files? Or even can't upload at all? Oh, dammit!)

    - Can someone tell me how to upload our video? My friend want to upload her video but it came out error. (so, the second comment is true, eh?)

    Oh come on, JYP. It is online audition for wherever people, isn't it? What's with this error and tried 10~20 times to upload? I haven't try to upload, though. I just hope that there will not be any error or even try until 10~20 times when I upload my video. Amen. God bless me >.<

    Okay, that's all for today

    With Love,
    Pc <3

    My "Dear" Obstacles *Sigh*

    Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 08.27
    Okay, as our promise last night. Today I'm going to tell you about my obstacles. So, read this carefully ~

    1. Money
    Alright. Money is the main obstacle. To tell you the truth, I'm really optimistic about the audition that I'm gonna try. But what if I really chosen by the company? I have to fly to Korea and? Don't have enough money. I have been thinking about how to get a job, but since I am still in my small small hometown, I hardly get a part-time job.
    Just now, I've got info about the ticket price from Jakarta to Incheon. From Jakarta to Incheon, we need at least Rp3.500.000,-. Let's say that the price goes up till Rp4.000.000,-. After that, we need to manage our visa. I didn't really understand about the sentence that I read in a website, but if I'm not wrong we need Rp2.500.000 for the visa. Untill here, the total price is Rp6.500.000,-. Oh God, how do I get this amount, seriously?!

    2. Parents
     "Okay Pc, you got your parents, right? Why still confused about money?". Yeah, you are not wrong. But still! My parents are one of my obstacles. *What?*. No no, don't take it wrong, I didn't mean that my parents are very bad. But, I don't have that dare to tell them, like I've said before, my parents won't agree. But I still don't know the real answer, is it really disagree? If they were really disagree, what is their reason? Is it worry? Or they just want me to concentrate on my study and work as a normal person? Please, I REALLY NEED A CHANCE TO TELL THEM. God please show me your ways and give me some dare. It's suck when I can't share a lil bit of dream with them :'(

    3. Hangul
    You know what is Hangul? Hangul is Korean letter. Right now, I study by myself about Hangul. Well, if you wanna know, I learn from livemocha. There is not only Hangul, you also can learn Japanese and many more! So far, it is the best website to learn any kinds of languages. Okay, back to the topic. The purpose to learn Hangul is to make my communication easier. Isn't it good of we can communicate with them with Hangul? It can increase our opportunity to get into the company (maybe)! *hahaha, yeah.. Hangul is kinda hard I should say, phew*

    What again then? I thought of many obstacles before, but why it turned into 3 only? =.=" .Wait Pc, isn't it good if your obstacles are decreasing? LOL that's right. I really hope that my SECOND obstacle can disappear right away. I don't really know why but ... If my parents agreed and supported me, I would feel like : I AM IN HEAVEN! Yeah, heaven. But unfortunately, that is the hardest part :'(

    When thought about this wonderful dream, I was chatting with my friend. He is the first boy who knows about my dream. Since I can't tell my parents, so I just shared with him. Kinda shy ~ Hehehe. Well, he said : "But parents always happy and proud if their child(s) is interesting with something". Yeah, something = positive thing. Really? Is that so, maybe I should gain my courage as soon as possible! Do we need to make a target or deadline? For example, within a week, I have to tell my parents. LOL. A week, seriously? *That's just for an example, Pc*. Oh, alright...

    Uuuugh !
    I'm really confused right now!
    My friend asked : "What if your parents really disagree?". I said : "I still want to do it! No matter what, I have to achieve it!". Talking is easier than doing, I know right. Well my real answer is : If they disagree, then obstacles would be bigger 10 times. TEN TIMES!!

    But, here is a quote for myself, I found it on a website (forgot the name) :: To be successful, you must LOVE and BELIEVE in what you do. You must have BELIEF in yourself. Anything is POSSIBLE with BELIEF!

    It is similar with : Nothing impossible for God. Right? Believe in God, work hard and pray, and anything is possible. Oh man, I'm unconsciously advising myself. Hahaha

    Oh yes! You know what? This morning, I learned a dance : Boyfriend by Boyfriend. You don't know about it? Then watch this dance practice of Boyfriend. Yep and no need any doubt. Their name is really Boyfriend, alright? *They are freaking adorable! Cuuuuute x)*. Maybe you wanna watch their Music Video too? hehehe :)

    Alright, that's all for tonight.

    Actually, I haven't done learning all of the moves yet. Only about .... half of the full dance. Sigh~ Oh come on gimme time~ I can't do all of it just in one day. I'm not that superb.

    Good night ;)
    With Love,
    Pc <3

    My journey is starting today

    Jumat, 01 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh Pc di 08.32
    Hi there. I won't introduce too much about myself. For you to know, this blog was made for my journey to achieve my dream. Actually, I've made two, oh no, I meant three blogs already. And none of them could I organized really well. And? Yep, I've abandoned them *sorry*. But this time, this blog will become my whole life blog. So, if I didn't post for a day, please reader, kindly slap me *slap*. Okay, that's better.

    First, I want you to know what my dream is. Entertainer. Yep! That's right. Someone who can sing and dance with her group on stage. You know what? I want to have a group, let's say like Korean Group. That's my dream. I never talk about this with my parents and I don't feel like to tell them at all. Because they won't understand and just say : "Don't say and think too much. Just study." Alright I know, study is important but how about my dream? My dream =>> become a singer in Korea! This is important, okay? This is about my future, my life!

    From above, you can see who can help me right? God and me. Yes, in reality life, only me who can help myself to achieve my dream! (beside God). This is kinda torturing when you can't really share about your dream with your parents. Really, I'm freaking hate this feeling!

    Okay, cut that feeling off. Today is the first day of July and today is the day when I've vowed to myself that I have to success (well, once I've ever gave up before). MAKE A RECORD OR BREAK A RECORD. I just love that quote. This quote is really helpful when there are so many obstacles in front of me. What are those obstacles? Well, let me explain to you one by one tomorrow. Why? Because I'm too tired to write after searching some information about audition just now. Uurgh ..

    Well, goodnight.

    With Love,
    Pc <3